Long time no type, I've been busy planning.....
So, I'm sure my readership is down to nil, I've been busy working this 'World Domination' thing over in my head... here's what I've got so far:
Seems people think they rule the land, so I'll give a 'Good Job' to each and every one of my feline (and even canine) counterparts who have kept their/our identity hidden
We really need to look into making transport devices accessible to animals, not for riding, for moving about, this is a big place, it takes a long time walking to get places. Someone with outdoor contacts should look into the seizure of handicap-equipped vehicles so we can do some reverse engineering of how to move the controls to a better spot...
Lasers are cool! For those of you who have not trained your care-takers into getting you a laser pointer toy, you really should! I swear, when it comes on, even the 'click' sound that it makes turns me into a wide-eyed kitten, I can't help but chase it around, I can't ever catch it, but I just cannot stop myself from trying... We need the best and brightest to develop eye shields so that in the event that the humans try to use laser pointer devices to distract us from attaining our goal we'll be ready....
The Male has become enamored with his wood-box high frequency torture device again.. he makes the most horrendous high frequency squeals and squaks, I'd be willing to bet kibble that he doesn't even hear how bad it is... I really need to figure out how to put earplugs in.... He has also become obsessed with pubrocker.com . From what I can make of it it is a barely started web page with sub-par script and next to no content.. He talks about it a lot, I wonder when he will get off his butt and actually write something, anything worth reading on it... He is also delusional, he really thinks he can sing, I've heard hounds that had better pitch control.... but he sure can whistle..
I really should stay off the furninture when my staff are around, they seem to get frustrated when I clime on the speakers... But there is so much cool stuff up there, and I can knock it right off the top of the speakers and watch it fall down, and it makes noise, too! I hate the spray bottle that the Female uses to squirt me with when I get up and refuse, due to my obvious status in the food chain, why should I bend to her idea of heirarchy *oops, I'm breaking my cover*.....
Did I mention that I love the little laser frined my staff got for me? I wonder where he/she is, I'm going to go check now, and maybe climb up on something...
Labels: cat, long time no post, nastyhabitslv.com, pubrocker.com, tele, wolske, world domination
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