My butt Hurts!!
So I wake up yesterday morning, normal morning stuff. Mommy goes to work like always, and Daddy comes home after a walk and gets on the computer... So far nothing out of the oridnary. After Daddy gets himself cleaned up (finally) things started to get strange. Instead of putting things in boxes, as they have been doing for a few days, I'm put in to my box. Usually this means I've been bad, but not today! I was wisked away to the green transportation-particle accelerator. I thought to myself 'Finaly a chance to get the supplies I need to conquer the world' but no, after about 20 minutes of the Nasty Habits demo I was at the vets office.... Normlly I get stuck there, 'Maybe not this time, I've been good and healthy' I thought... "Ouch!" they stuck me twice, once in the right shoulder and once in the butt, right above my tail.... Today I feel queezy, I think they are on to my plan of world domination and are trying to drug me to sedate me, but my will is too strong, "you'll never find my secret hiding.....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz"