Wednesday, June 21, 2006

My days...

So I'm mostly over my fear of any kind of plan by my servants, but I do keep a closer eye on them now.... THis is how my days go:

THe Female servant leaves every day in the morning to get my affairs straightened out and to get me food, I then go to the manslave who is sometimes still asleep and try to use subliminal techniques to make him spill the beans, nothing, they must not have anything planned, I'm still gonna check tomorrow..... Talking about spilling the beans, I need to switch the manservant to dry food, he made big stinky last night that could have choked a cat, wait a minute, it did choke a cat... I'm feeling much better now, though...

I usually go to one of my many thrones that I have placed strategically around the castle, er, apartment, and get more sleep, a Queen can't have too much beauty sleep, and it deoes work, I'm gorgeous! I'm still using a part of my day to find my plans, no luck so far, but my servants still ahve a few boxes that aren't opened yet....

Some times I'll check up on the manslave, to make sure he is not doing anything suspicious, and to see if I can use my Canadian Ninja Mind Tricks to get him to give me more food than the female servant gave me, no bones, he's usually pretty hard to break...... More sleep....

In the afternoon the female returns with my goods, and feeds me again. After I have eaten to my liking I give my leftovers to my slaves, they appreciate the little things like that... THen I make sure I don't give them much time to conspire, I usually make sure I'm sitting extra pretty or cute, that keeps their attention on me (as it should be) and means that they won't be making plans against me....... When it is time for bed, I dismiss my servants and check out the perimiter (those slaves can't be trusted to do a thourough check, you know). Then I get more beauty sleep......

Monday, June 12, 2006

All Clear!

O.K., it seams that I may have overreacted lately.... Apparently Humans do this thing called 'Moving' where one day they pick up all their stuff and go to a new place. I've been told that humans tend to move to bigger places and to better places. I have had some time to check out the new 'hood, and I can definitely say this is an improvement! THis place has window sills that are big enough to play on!! I had to sit on a bedside table to look out the window at the old place. I've gotten used to the smells and surroundings. There are big monsters outside the windows some times, so I keep my Eyes open for them, but they only show uyp every once in a while.... usually accompanied with a lot of wind noise, strange, maybe they travel on the wind... anywho, life has become more 'normal', if you can call it that. THe one who calls himself 'Daddy' got this big boomy box that he insists on pounding away at for an hour every day, all sorts of booming and thumping and harsh overtones that I bet he can't hear, he even thinks this thing sounds good, just like the little brown box he wears some times and bangs away on, can't he hear those high notes, they drive me nuts!!! anywho, no more adventures for this cat, not for a while.. Now if I can only find where they've packed up my plans for global domination.....

Trauma Trauma Trauma

So my companions threw all of our stuff into the green transportation-particle accelerator and took it far away, then they took me far away, into this big place with lots of scary things... I hid for a few weeks trying to figure out just what was going on, but I still can't figure it out... One day, my manslave who calls himself 'daddy' moved my food dish from the safe room I had it in to the big room. I was terrified, was this some kind of sacrifice my slaves, er, companions were planning all along? was this the end for me? I hadn't been eating for days, trying to stay out of sight until I could figure out what their plan was, so when he put lots of food into the dish, I was torn... DO I DARE GO INTO THE BIG ROOM< OR DO I STARVE??? I couldn't resist it, I needed food if I was going to have to fight for my life. I carefully made my way to the food, ate some and then dashed away, I swear I saw one of them grabbing a knife or something. I'm so alone and scared, even my people have turned against me,.........